Emergency First Aid – Early Childhood

You work in early childhood education, are a parent or occasionally responsible for young children? Knowing first aid basics can prove to be a major asset in emergency situations that affect children, since you can quickly and efficiently react!

With this 8-hour training, you will be able to recognize abnormal signs and symptoms that children can exhibit, and therefore apply the necessary emergency measures. You will, among other things, learn to identify common early childhood diseases and injuries, to provide basic treatments to immobilize a child’s injury, to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) and to administer epinephrin with an auto-injector. This course will also teach you how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a child and on an infant, and how to react in case of a respiratory emergency or a cardiac arrest.

The course can be adapted to the needs of day camp counsellors, educators and other people who work with children. The award you will obtain will allow you to comply with the Educational Childcare Act (L.R.Q., c. S-4.1.1., a. 20), which states that “[a] permit holder must ensure that each childcare staff member holds a certificate not older than 3 years attesting that the member has successfully completed a minimum 8-hour standard first aid course or a minimum 6-hour refresher course updating the knowledge acquired as part of the standard first aid course”.



  • 8 HOURS


  • Valid for 3 years




Item 1 - First aid basic principles

Item 2 - Legal aspects of an intervention

Item 5 - Communicating with the EMS

Item 6 - Anatomy and physiology

Item 7 - Prehospital assessment

Item 8 - Primary assessment


Item 10 - Chain of Survival™

Item 11 - Resuscitation techniques – Child and infant

Item 12 - Airway obstruction – Conscious child and infant

Item 13 - Airway obstruction – Unconscious child and infant

Item 14 - Rescue breathing complications or specific situations

Item 15 - AED operation

Item 16 - Two-rescuer CPR and AED


Item 17 - Shock / fainting

Item 19a - Cardiovascular emergencies

Item 19b - Respiratory emergencies

Item 20a - Problems due to the cold 

Item 20b - Problems due to the heat


Item 21 - Bleeding

Item 23b - Soft tissue injuries 

Item 23d - Facial wounds


Item 24a - Prevention in sports and recreational settings – Prevention 

Item 24b - Prevention in sports and recreational settings – Intervention 


Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux: Administrating epinephrine for acute anaphylactic type allergic reactions: People known to be allergic – 1.5 hour.