A reminder of restrictive measures in red zone areas

From Thursday, October 8 to November 23, aquatic facilities in red zone areas must suspend their courses and training, which are considered organized activities. 

Regarding training courses in red zone areas, considering the Ministerial Order of June 6 advocating for the maintenance of training activities leading to the National Lifeguard – Pool Certification and despite the announcement by the Minister, Mrs. Isabelle Charest, to suspend recreational and sports activities, the Lifesaving Society remained involved with the authorities in order to have this ministerial order maintained.

The Recreation and Sports Department of the Quebec Ministry of Education received confirmation from Public Health that:

  • Pools changing rooms can remain open with control of all entries and exits and limitation of the number of people present at the same time.
  • Training courses leading to a National Lifeguard Certification can be maintained. However, if some theoretical courses can be taught online or remotely, this should be prioritized.

In all cases, the 2-meter distancing rule should be respected and wearing a face cover is mandatory both in changing rooms and for the theoretical aspect of the training. For the practical part of the training, please refer to the COVID-19 Special Feature section in the SUMMER 2020 edition of our SUMMER édition of our Magazine Alerte and to the Fiche sauveteur national – piscine en contexte de covid-19 on our website COVID-19 section for information on how to wear personal protective equipment in aquatic settings.


The Lifesaving Society joins its aquatic partners (Natation Québec, Natation artistique Québec, Plongeon Québec, Triathlon Québec, Waterpolo Québec) in seeking the collaboration of affiliated clubs and members in the application of these new measures. Aquatic Federations are therefore requesting that group training AND competitions be suspended until November 23, inclusively.