november : CPR Month

Did you know that November is CPR Month!

The Lifesaving Society and the Canadian Red Cross challenge everyone to get the training they need to help save a life. 

When used with an automated external defibrillator (AED), effective bystander CPR administered immediately after a person goes into cardiac arrest can more than double the chance of survival.

  • More than 50,000 Canadians die of heart disease every year; 
  • Nearly 60 % of Canadians who have had to perform first aid did so to help a family member;
  • Nearly 40 % of Canadians report that they have had to perform first aid in an emergency situation; however, only few Canadians admit knowing what to do if someone suffers a heart attack;
  • Only 15 % of Canadians are confident they have the skills required to assist someone in a cardiac emergency situation.


November is CPR Month, an annual awareness campaign that highlights the importance of CPR as a life-saving technique.


Take a course today and make sure you have the knowledge you need to save a life!