Become an affiliate member



Affiliated Members:

This type of membership allows an organization to offer Lifesaving Society training as part of its programming and to receive various services. The different membership options are outlined below.

Sport Lifesaving Club:

This type of membership applies to organizations that have teams and/or athletes practicing sport lifesaving.


Three (3) Month Membership

For organizations offering Lifesaving Society training or services for a predetermined period of 3 consecutive months, regardless of the time of year. Information about each aquatic facility must be provided to the Lifesaving Society upon membership. This membership includes all the programs listed below.

Annual Basic Membership

For organizations offering training or services for aquatic facilities. Managers of aquatic facilities must provide information about each of their facilities to the Lifesaving Society upon membership. One facility included. Additional fees will be charged for each extra facility.

This membership is valid from January 1 to December 31 of the targeted year.

Organizations opting for this membership must select each program they wish to offer within their facility:

  • Lifesaving and Leadership Training: For organizations wishing to offer lifesaving training within their aquatic facility. Information about each facility must be provided to the Lifesaving Society upon membership. Requirements: Facilities offering lifesaving training must purchase the required training materials and submit the online exam sheets at the end of the course, according to the Program Guide.

  • First Aid Training: For organizations wishing to offer First Aid training within their aquatic facility. Information about each facility must be provided to the Lifesaving Society upon membership. Requirements: Facilities offering First Aid training must purchase the required training materials and submit the online exam sheets at the end of the course, according to the Program Guide.

  • Swim for Life Program: For organizations wishing to offer swimming lessons within their aquatic facility. Information about each facility must be provided to the Lifesaving Society upon membership. This license includes the Junior Lifeguard and Bronze Medallion training. Requirements: Facilities offering the Swim for Life program and not enrolled in the Planitou virtual platform must purchase the Swim for Life reward materials. According to the Program Guide, all facilities offering the Swim for Life program must also submit the Bronze Medallion results.

  • Water Rescue Program: For organizations wishing to offer water rescue certifications, including the Emergency Water Rescue program.

Sport Lifesaving Club

This type of membership is for organizations with athletes participating in sport lifesaving competitions. These organizations must be registered as non-profit organizations (NPO) to form a legal entity. No additional insurance proof is required, as Sport Lifesaving Clubs are already covered by the insurance provided by the sport federations under the Quebec Recreation and Sport Group (RLSQ) program.

This membership is valid for the duration of a full sport lifesaving championship season, from September 1 to August 31 of the targeted year.

Requirements: Organizations with this membership type are required to have their athletes and coaches accredited by the Lifesaving Society.


Complete the FORM.