
  • To encourage Quebecers to practice physical activity, sports and recreation on a regular basis, the Government of Québec launched the Policy on Physical Activity, Sport and Leisure In Québec we move! (Politique de l’activité physique, du sport et du loisir Au Québec on bouge!) The Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports, Sébastien Proulx, made the announcement monday that there will be an acceleration of the roll out of the Swim to survive program for the second cycle students in elementary schools.
  • The new edition of the Canadian First Aid Manual is now published in French! The manual has been revised accordingly with the 2015 ILCOR standards and printed on a new kind of paper: it will be available on April 10th 2017!
  • After having revamped the dashboard, we’ve made a complete make-over to the Program Guide!
  • The Lifesaving Society is currently looking for partners in our Brigade Splash 2017 project.

  • A candidate from one of the courses you are teaching is often disruptive and displays a negative attitude all through their training.
  • If you log into your account, you will soon notice that your dashboard displays a whole new look.
  • Égale Action, an organization dedicated to the representation and participation of women in sports and physical activity, has developed a unique workshop in collaboration with Waterpolo Québec.
  • A video on how to use the rescue tube has been added to the Lifesaving Society’s YouTube channel.
  • Every five years, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) reviews the latest science on first aid and resuscitation and updates treatment recommendations as necessary. Following the latest changes released in October 2015, the National First Aid Working Group reviewed the recommendations, agreed upon a consistent interpretation and established guidelines for Canada.
