It’s time to plan for the fall 2020

Aquatic programming in the situation of COVID-19 can at first glance be a challenge. Well-planned lifesaving courses represent a low risk for the transmission of COVID-19.

There is always time to plan an intensive Bronze or National Lifeguard course outdoors this summer or indoors this fall!

Issues you may encounter in your programming.

  • Pool Schedule Vs classes
  • Room in the pool to allow 2 m distancing (e.g. swimming on two one-way lanes)
  • Student ratios

Make an appointment! The Lifesaving Society offers the opportunity to speak with one of our program coordinators to guide you in planning your training this fall.

Junior lifeguard: two birds, one stone

Learning to save while learning to swim

Junior Lifeguard courses can easily be integrated into existing swimming courses at your facility. They provide an introduction to water safety and lifesaving techniques from the age of eight to prepare children to interact in an incident. The content of the Junior Lifeguard program is complementary to the latest Red Cross Junior levels and complement each other well: Junior 7 with Junior Lifeguard Initiate, Junior 8 with Junior Lifeguard Advanced, Junior 9 with Junior Lifeguard Expert. Each Junior lifeguard level has three skill categories: aquatic skills, first aid and rescue. And for those of you who think the format is just as great as we do, why not add the Bronze Star to the Red Cross Junior 10 as well?

The Junior Lifeguard program can be taught by a lifeguard instructor or a Junior Lifeguard Instructor. To become a Junior Lifeguard Instructor, all you need is 3 hours of training and an up-to-date Bronze Cross or National Lifeguard certificate and a recognized Swimming Instructor certificate. For personalized advice on how to offer the Junior Lifeguard program starting this fall:

wEBINAR : New Bronze Levels

Bronze levels have been updated this year, resulting in several changes. Please be advised that a webinar will be offered to instructors and affiliates to update you on the changes to the new Bronze Level program. The new certificate guide can be ordered now at


Here are the dates for the affiliate and instructor webinars:

Instructors and Mentors: August 25 evening (time to be determined)

Managers: August 27th at 9 am

Instructors: September 2 evening (time to be determined)/September 4 daytime (time to be determined)