october 2020 - info covid-19


Following the announcement by Mrs. Isabelle Charest, Minister of Sports and Recreation, additional measures for Sports will be implemented from October 8 to 28 in aquatic settings located in areas that have reached the maximum alert level (red zone).

The Lifesaving Society joins its aquatic partners (Natation Québec, Natation artistique Québec, Plongeon Québec, Triathlon Québec, Waterpolo Québec) in seeking the collaboration of affiliated clubs and members in the application of these new measures. Aquatic Federations are therefore requesting that group training, competitions and training courses be suspended from October 8 to 28, inclusively.


"All organized recreation and sports, outside the school setting, must be suspended. Thus, no organized sports or leisure activities may take place. Group classes and the practice of supervised sports will be prohibited. Individual or dyad activities, individual training in free practice and activities practiced with members of your family unit will remain permitted.


Any person practicing a sporting activity in dyad with someone who is not part of their family bubble will have to respect the two meters distance rule.


Indoor sports facilities may remain open for free practice. However, their capacity will have to be modulated to allow for social distancing. Access to changing rooms will be prohibited.


Training rooms and fitness centers will be closed."


Source: Québec Government


Beginning this Thursday, October 8, and until October 28, Lifesaving Sport clubs in red zone will have to suspend training practice which is considered an organized activity.

Regarding training courses in red zone areas, considering the Ministerial Order of June 6 on training activities leading to the National Lifeguard – Pool Certification and despite the announcement by the Minister, Mrs. Isabelle Charest, to suspend recreational and sports activities, the Lifesaving Society remains involved with the authorities in order to maintain this ministerial order. As soon as possible, we will keep you informed on how this file evolves. 

For the orange and yellow zones, sports and training activities leading to the National Lifeguard Certificate are maintained and permitted, following public health guidelines. To find out what the alert level is in your region or municipality, consult the Map of COVID-19 alert levels on the Québec Government Website.




Travel between regions is not recommended by Public Health, either to or from a red zone.



No organized activity, practice, competition or training course is permitted in red zone areas.



In all public settings, both open and closed, gatherings of people for the free practice of recreational and sports activities are prohibited.

Open outdoor

The number of people allowed is determined by the site managers according to the capacity of the infrastructure and must enable the strict application of distancing measures and lack of personal contacts.

    • Changing rooms should remain closed.
    • Competitions, practices, training courses and spectators are prohibited.

Closed outdoor and indoor

The number of people allowed per level is determined by the site managers according to the capacity of the infrastructure and must enable the strict application of distancing measures and lack of personal contacts.

    • Changing rooms should remain closed.
    • Group activities are prohibited. Only individual or dyad activities are allowed.
    • Competitions, practices, training courses and spectators are prohibited.


In red zone areas, spectators are not allowed. However, while keeping the number of people to a minimum, it may be possible to authorize an accompanying person when necessary (e.g. the parent of a child under 10 years of age or the accompanying person of a person with a disability).



Please note that the guideline regarding the wearing of the mask or face cover, as communicated in the September 23rd correspondence on the ORANGE alert level has evolved.

    • Wearing a mask or face shield is now mandatory in indoor public places for all levels of alert, even when seated and at a distance of two meters from other people.


The Aquatic Federations invite all patrons to check beforehand with their aquatic center regarding the availability of free swims, in order to maintain their aquatic fitness while awaiting for new guidelines.

The Lifesaving Society is working hard, in collaboration with its aquatic partners and government authorities, to put in place safety measures that will allow all Quebecers to enjoy water safely. We invite you to consult our COVID-19 section in order to follow the latest information and instructions for sports activities.